Practices Remote Teams

Top Best Practices Remote Teams Should Follow for Peak Performance

By Drew Moffitt

Mastering remote work is an art, and transforming remote workplaces into a place where teams can grow and thrive is no easy feat.This article unveils the best practices remote teams need to flourish, offering actionable insights from setting expectations to embracing the right technologies. Dive into a guide that merges professional insight with actionable strategies, ensuring you discover methods to improve teamwork and achieve success in the digital realm. Some of our strategies may surprise you! 

Key Takeaways

  • Set clear expectations and establish work-life boundaries to foster accountability and prevent burnout among remote team members.
  • Utilize the right project management and communication tools to enhance teamwork, streamline workflows, and promote inclusivity and collaboration. Adding to this, platforms like Kumospace can further aid by providing a virtual space that bolsters team connection and engagement, essential for sustaining collaboration and mitigating feelings of isolation in remote teams.
  • Invest in remote-specific training, encourage career progression conversations, and build a strong feedback culture for continuous learning and development.

Establishing clear expectations for remote teams

Clear Expectations

Laying the groundwork for triumph involves setting definitive expectations for your remote team. This foundational step anchors all subsequent practices, guaranteeing that each team member understands and aligns with the collective aims of the group. Within a context of remote work, where direct interactions are scarce, it is essential to articulate engagement guidelines, working hours, and project outcomes precisely to eliminate any uncertainty.When such expectations are distinctly outlined, it cultivates an environment ripe with responsibility and teamwork that drives forward momentum in the team.

Communication protocols

Communication protocols are the lifeline of team collaboration. Adopting consistent communication channels and methods ensures that everyone is on the same page, regardless of their location. Whether it’s structured email updates, instant messaging for quick questions, or scheduled video calls for in-depth discussions, selecting the right communication tools is critical.

It’s not just about staying connected; it’s about making sure that messages are clear, concise, and carry the right tone to prevent misunderstandings. Remember, great communication in a remote setting isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach; it requires understanding individual communication preferences and adapting to the needs of the team. While many platforms like Slack, Discord, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom are turned to for solutions, Kumospace distinguishes itself by offering not just chat services but also customizable virtual office spaces among other features. This unique combination supports a more interactive and engaging remote work environment, aligning with various communication styles and fostering a sense of team unity.

Work hours and flexibility

Work Hours and Flexibility

Flexibility is a hallmark of remote work, but it requires a delicate balance. While remote employees appreciate the ability to work when they’re most productive, defining core working hours ensures there’s a consistent time when everyone is available. This balance between structured schedules and the freedom to work around personal commitments is what makes remote work both challenging and rewarding.

It’s about leveraging modern technology, such as work scheduling apps, to manage flexible schedules while ensuring that the needs of the business are met. The goal is to create an environment where remote workers can thrive, maintaining productivity without compromising their work-life balance.

Whether you're navigating through back-to-back Zoom meetings, managing a flood of Slack notifications, or keeping your virtual office door open in Kumospace, the essence of remote work remains the same: it's all about balance. Successful remote working involves integrating various tools and practices to maintain that equilibrium, ensuring that work efficiency is achieved without losing sight of personal well-being and team connectivity.

Project deadlines and accountability

Deadlines are essential for steering remote teams toward their objectives, acting as a guiding beacon. By establishing clear and quantifiable deadlines, team members remain engaged and task prioritization is enhanced. More than just imposing timelines, it’s crucial to cultivate an environment where each individual takes charge of their duties, this includes direct reports.

Equipping members of the remote team with project management resources does more than promote independence. It also allows insight into the collective efforts of everyone involved. This visibility bolsters the whole group’s dedication to achieving project benchmarks and plays a significant role in effectively managing remote teams.

Enhancing team collaboration with the right tools

Team Collaboration with the Right Tools

The proverb “the strength of the team is each individual member” resonates profoundly when it comes to remote teams. To achieve optimal performance, it’s crucial for these teams to master seamless collaboration within digital environments. 

Leveraging innovative platforms like Kumospace, recognized as one of G2's top virtual workspaces with a stellar 4.8 out of 5 stars rating from over 222 reviews, can significantly enhance the virtual cooperation experience. Users globally are praising Kumospace for reintroducing fun and connectivity into the workplace, making virtual collaboration both engaging and effective. Given that remote work appears to be a lasting aspect of our professional landscape due to its flexibility and global reach, it might as well be aesthetically pleasing and foster strong employee connections in the process! 

How Kumospace Fosters Team Connection:

  • Spatial Audio: This feature creates a realistic audio experience by changing the volume of voices based on the listener's proximity to the speaker in the virtual space, enhancing natural communication and making meetings feel more lifelike.
  • Whiteboards: Kumospace provides interactive whiteboards that teams can use for brainstorming, planning, and visualizing ideas together in real-time, facilitating creative collaboration and efficient problem-solving.
  • Built-in Mini Games: Incorporating mini-games within the platform offers a unique way to break the ice, encourage team bonding, and provide much-needed breaks from work, all contributing to a more cohesive team dynamic.
  • Customizable Offices: The ability to design and personalize virtual office spaces allows teams to create a work environment that reflects their culture and identity, fostering a sense of belonging and community.
  • Custom Event Spaces: Kumospace's customizable event spaces enable the hosting of various virtual gatherings, from casual meetups to formal conferences, providing opportunities for team engagement and fostering a strong sense of unity.

Project management tools

Project Management Tools

In the symphony of remote work, project management applications act as the maestros, orchestrating seamless cooperation and synchronization across different sections. These platforms are crucial for overseeing workflows, monitoring advancements, and promoting teamwork. Thanks to functionalities such as allocating tasks, sharing documents, and providing instant updates, solutions like Asana and Trello serve as a unified repository for every detail related to the projects.

These tools go beyond mere project trajectory management. They craft an open atmosphere where remote team members can grasp the overarching goals and perceive how their individual efforts drive forward the collective triumphs of their teams.

What Project Management Tools Can Do:

  • Allocate and Track Tasks: Enable precise assignment of tasks to team members and monitor progress in real time.
  • Facilitate Document Sharing: Offer a centralized platform for storing and accessing project documents, ensuring that everyone has the latest information.
  • Enhance Communication: Provide integrated messaging features for quick discussions, feedback, and updates, keeping teams aligned.
  • Set Milestones and Deadlines: Allow teams to define key project milestones and deadlines, fostering a sense of urgency and progress.
  • Offer Visual Project Overviews: Utilize boards, timelines, and charts to give a clear visual representation of project status, helping teams understand the big picture.
  • Streamline Collaboration: Promote effective teamwork by making collaboration on tasks and projects straightforward and transparent.

Communication platforms

Communication Platforms

Communication platforms serve as the lifeline for daily exchanges among remote teams, akin to how an office operates. Tools such as Slack, Kumospace, and Zoom fill the gap left by not sharing a common physical space, accommodating both structured meetings and informal conversations. When these are combined with visual collaboration tools like Miro, they enrich communication. By enabling team members to present intricate concepts visually and work together instantaneously.

The aim is to craft a virtual water cooler environment that promotes idea-sharing and community-building among team members who are dispersed geographically rather than co-located in one physical space.

Zoom vs Slack vs Kumospace: A Comparative Overview


  • Primarily focuses on video conferencing, offering robust meeting and webinar functionalities.
  • Suitable for scheduled, formal team gatherings and presentations.
  • Lacks integrated features for casual, spontaneous interactions.


  • A messaging platform that excels in text-based communication and file sharing.
  • Facilitates quick exchanges and updates but can lead to message overload.
  • Offers channels for organized discussions but lacks the feel of physical presence.


  • Blends the best of both worlds with chat services, video calls, and a unique virtual office environment.
  • Allows users to visit coworkers' offices for quick chats, close their own office for focused work, or join common areas to catch up with colleagues, fostering a true office experience.
  • Features like spatial audio, customizable virtual offices, and built-in mini-games enhance team connection and create a more engaging and interactive work environment.
  • Designed to simulate an in-office experience, promoting idea sharing and community building in a way that feels natural and spontaneous.

Kumospace stands out for its ability to replicate the dynamics of a physical office online, providing a comprehensive solution for remote teams seeking both the structure of formal meetings and the warmth of casual interactions. Its innovative features effectively bridge the gap between remote work's flexibility and the collaborative spirit of traditional office settings, making it a superior choice for teams looking to enrich their communication and foster a sense of unity.

File sharing and document collaboration

For a remote team, seamless file sharing and document collaboration are essential. Innovations in cloud technology from platforms such as Google Drive and Dropbox have transformed collaborative efforts by enabling simultaneous editing and managing different versions of documents. This isn’t merely about being able to access files. It’s about fostering an environment where collective creativity flourishes, guaranteeing that all team members consistently operate from the same page.

Integrated tools like GoodDay and Paymo take these capabilities even further. By incorporating features that enhance teamwork efficiency. They don’t just utilize cloud services, but also provide extra functionality that propels project progression while keeping everyone aligned.

Building a strong remote team culture

Strong Remote Team Culture

Cultivating a robust and cohesive culture is paramount for the identity of a team, especially when it operates remotely. The essence lies in fostering an atmosphere that transcends mere work tasks, where remote team members experience a sense of inclusion, value, and connection.

Every initiative taken—be it engaging in team-building exercises or maintaining consistent personal check-ins—plays an integral role in establishing a resilient cultural foundation within a remote team that is capable of overcoming the hurdles posed by geographical separation.For companies finding traditional platforms like Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom too static and conventional, transitioning to virtual office platforms like Kumospace offers a dynamic and immersive alternative. This shift can invigorate the remote work experience by providing spaces that mimic the physical office, fostering deeper connections and collaboration.

Inclusivity and diversity

Embracing the distinct viewpoints and life experiences of each team member is fundamental to fostering a strong culture within remote teams. This approach transcends mere formalities, ensuring that inclusivity and diversity are at the heart of team dynamics.

Leaders of remote teams can unlock a treasure trove of creativity and insights by honoring diversity among their ranks, which not only enhances the caliber of work produced but also strengthens relationships between team members. It’s through such celebration that remote teams fully leverage their collective potential for innovation.

Employee engagement

In remote teams, fostering employee engagement is not solely about the pleasure derived from one’s job. Essential to maintaining engaged and interconnected remote workers are consistent check-ins, acknowledgement initiatives, and online gatherings.

Feeling valued for their contributions and having chances for advancement boosts team members’ commitment to their roles as well as the overall triumph of the team. Effectively spurring on team members stands out as a vital approach in reaching this goal.

Ways to Keep Your Employees Engaged:

  • Regular Virtual Check-ins: Schedule frequent one-on-one meetings to discuss not only work progress but also personal well-being, reinforcing their value to the team.
  • Recognition Programs: Implement initiatives to celebrate individual and team accomplishments, publicly acknowledging contributions to foster a sense of achievement.
  • Professional Development Opportunities: Offer access to online courses, workshops, and seminars that align with their career goals, encouraging growth and advancement.
  • Interactive Online Events: Host virtual team-building activities, coffee breaks, and social hours to promote informal interactions and strengthen team bonds.
  • Feedback Loops: Establish open channels for feedback, allowing employees to voice their ideas and concerns, contributing to continuous improvement and innovation.

Trust and transparency

Managing remote teams successfully hinges on cultivating trust and openness. Ensuring that each team member is provided with all the pertinent details fosters an environment where they can operate autonomously and make informed choices that resonate with the collective goals of the group. Steering clear of overbearing supervision and promoting candid dialogue are fundamental strategies in nurturing a culture of trustworthiness and clarity within remote teams.

Building such an atmosphere involves developing a setting conducive to open feedback, clear role definition, and recognition of every team member’s vital role in driving the success of their collaborative efforts.

Prioritizing employee well-being and mental health

Employee Well-Being and Mental Health

The importance of maintaining the mental health and overall well-being of remote employees is extremely significant. As the distinction between professional life and personal space becomes more ambiguous, it’s crucial for employers to foster mental health support and promote practices that contribute to healthy lifestylesCompanies that allocate resources such as stipends for wellness pursuits or provide access to digital therapy services are witnessing tangible benefits. Such initiatives enhance both the efficiency and contentment levels of their remote workers.

Best Remote Wellness Ideas for Companies:

  • Wellness Stipends: Allocate budgets for employees to invest in their preferred wellness activities, from gym memberships to meditation apps.
  • Digital Therapy Access: Offer subscriptions to digital therapy and counseling services, ensuring employees have professional support.
  • Scheduled Wellness Breaks: Encourage regular, scheduled breaks for mindfulness or physical activity to break up the workday and reduce stress.
  • Kumospace Virtual Events: Utilize Kumospace's custom event rooms for group wellness activities. Meet on a virtual beach to engage in guided meditation or yoga sessions during breaks, fostering a sense of community and collective well-being.
  • Health and Wellness Challenges: Organize company-wide challenges focused on exercise, hydration, or mindfulness, with progress tracked through a shared platform for added motivation and camaraderie.

Preventing Burnout

The prevalence of burnout among remote employees stems from the difficulty in separating professional duties from personal time. To counter this, establishing distinct boundaries between work and life, along with encouraging frequent pauses during work hours, can sustain the vitality and concentration of those who work remotely.

Programs dedicated to the well-being of employees that provide tools for both physical and mental care are instrumental in fostering a balanced approach to work-life. These initiatives also enhance the collective endurance of the workforce.

Combating Loneliness and Isolation

Loneliness and Isolation

Employees working remotely often encounter feelings of loneliness and isolation. These emotional hurdles can be overcome with deliberate measures for social engagement and initiatives designed to strengthen team bonds. However, virtual co-working offices can alleviate some of these feelings. 

Actions that can alleviate loneliness:

  • Prompting frequent video call interactions
  • Establishing channels for informal dialogue
  • Arranging online events focused on team cohesion
  • Scheduling virtual gatherings like happy hours or coffee meetups
  • Introducing a pairing system especially geared towards new remote staff members

Such efforts foster a sense of community among remote workers, helping to bridge the gap created by physical separation.Occasions centered around work-related socializing and networking furnish additional moments for those engaged in remote work to forge connections with their peers, serving as an antidote to the psychological strains associated with distance-based employment arrangements.

Encouraging work-life balance

Maintaining a balanced work-life balance is essential for the sustained success of remote workers. Promoting practices that distinctly separate work from personal time, as well as establishing explicit boundaries concerning working hours, can greatly enhance a remote employee’s ability to balance their professional and personal responsibilities—an integral part of effectively managing remote employees.

The ability to work remotely offers flexible arrangements which, along with appropriate utilization of paid time off (PTO), are crucial strategies for remote workers seeking rest and preservation of their overall health.

Continuous learning and development for remote teams

Learning and Development

In the rapidly evolving realm of remote work, it is essential to consistently foster learning and professional growth. This ensures that team members who are part of a remote team are equipped with the necessary abilities and understanding to navigate emerging challenges and technological advancements, thereby promoting an environment where innovation and progress thrive.

Remote-specific training

Training tailored for remote work is critical in providing employees with the necessary resources and techniques to tackle the distinct hurdles associated with working from a distance. Initiating digital onboarding processes and opportunities for skill enhancement not only boosts an employee’s proficiency in their duties, but also reflects the organization’s dedication to fostering their career advancement. For successful management of remote employees, it is imperative to prioritize their ongoing growth.

Offering self-guided learning options alongside engaging training programs accommodates various learning preferences and timeframes, guaranteeing that remote workers remain involved and can integrate newfound abilities into their professional activities.

Remote-specific training strategies:

  • Digital Onboarding: Implement comprehensive digital onboarding processes to acclimate new hires to remote work settings, emphasizing organizational culture and communication tools.
  • Skill Enhancement Opportunities: Provide continuous opportunities for skill development through online courses and webinars tailored to remote work dynamics.
  • Self-Guided Learning: Offer a variety of self-guided learning resources, allowing employees to explore new skills at their own pace.
  • Engaging Training Programs: Utilize interactive and engaging training modules that are specifically designed for remote employees, ensuring content relevance and retention.
  • Kumospace for Interactive Learning: Use Kumospace to host virtual training sessions and workshops. Its customizable event spaces and virtual whiteboards can create an immersive learning environment, from group discussions in a virtual coffee shop to team-building exercises on a virtual beach, enhancing the training experience and fostering a sense of community among remote employees.

Career progression conversations

Career Progression Conversations

Facilitating discussions about career ambitions is vital in a remote setting, as it serves as an important incentive for numerous employees. By engaging in these dialogues, remote workers are encouraged to manage their own growth while ensuring that their goals are synchronized with the company’s vision.

Conversations centered on regular feedback and professional development underscore the organization’s commitment to its employees’ future success. This approach nurtures a feeling of intentionality and trajectory within the workforce.

Encouraging feedback and input

The foundation of a successful remote team lies in a robust culture of feedback. Team members become more engaged and contribute actively to the team’s success when they perceive their opinions as being appreciated and influential. Employing digital tools for anonymous feedback provision and consistent check-ins is vital in fostering an atmosphere that emphasizes constant advancement.

This involves converting feedback from remote team members into concrete actions, signaling to them that their input is significant and genuinely affects how the team functions.


Concluding this detailed manual on best practices for remote teams, bear in mind that the secret to optimal output is found through a fusion of explicitly set goals, powerful collaboration tools, an impactful team ethos, emphasis on well-being and dedication to ongoing learning and growth. Adhering to these tenets will empower you to guide your remote team towards elevated levels of efficiency and contentment.

For teams seeking to navigate the nuances of remote work, especially those experiencing the monotony and isolation of conventional platforms, Kumospace emerges as a refreshing alternative. Its virtual workplaces offer a dynamic solution to the loneliness often encountered in remote settings, reinvigorating team interaction and collaboration in an immersive online environment. As remote work continues to solidify its place as a mainstay in the professional world, reducing the need for traditional office spaces, Kumospace stands out by fostering a virtual yet palpably connected workspace. This platform not only rejuvenates the remote work experience but subtly underscores the evolving landscape of work, where physical offices become less of a necessity and virtual spaces offer new realms of productivity and team unity.

Frequently Asked Questions

Transform the way your team works from anywhere.

A virtual office in Kumospace lets teams thrive together by doing their best work no matter where they are geographically.

Headshot for Drew Moffitt
Drew Moffitt

Drew leads marketing at Kumospace. Prior to joining Kumospace, he spent his career founding and operating businesses. His work has been featured in over 50 publications. Outside of work, Drew is an avid skier and sailor. A wholehearted extrovert, he organizes VentureSails, a series of networking events for founders and tech investors.

Transform the way your team works.