Learn how to set up and play the Puzzle game in your Kumospace.

Add the Puzzle game to your Kumospace
Open the Edit menu by clicking the chair icon in the upper right corner or pressing E on your keyboard.
Select the Activities dropdown and scroll down to find the Game Boy or the Arcade Puzzle Game objects.
Click on either object to highlight, then click anywhere in your Kumospace to place them.
Play the Puzzle game
Click the Game Boy or Arcade object in your Kumospace to open the Puzzle game.
Click the New Game button to start playing.
Click Z to change the position of your puzzle pieces, and use the arrow keys to move and place them.
Note that you can change your settings by clicking the Settings button.
Multiplayer mode
You can invite people in your audio range to play a Puzzle game tournament with you by clicking the Share Nearby button in the top right corner of the window.

Alternatively, players can click on the same Puzzle game furniture to enter multiplayer mode.
Click the Full screen button in the top right corner of the window to be able to see your opponents' faces while you play.