Kumospace Team chat

Kumospace Unleashes New Mobile App and More Powerful Desktop Chat for Cutting Edge Collaboration

By Brett Martin, Yang Mou

At Kumospace we’re obsessed with making our customers happy. One of the most consistent pieces of feedback we have received is the need for a mobile app that’s on par with our desktop app, including chat.

Today, we’re very excited to announce the release of Kumospace’s latest mobile app. It delivers extensive chat collaboration features to broaden the range and speed of team members ’ interactions. Our latest updates make Kumospace even more powerful and flexible for our users, and teams that already enjoy the customization and flexibility of a creativity-centric remote office environment. 

Kumospace mobile chat with channels

What’s new in the mobile app

Chat! Join your colleagues in Kumospace through audio and video, and now chat - as in our web and desktop versions, features include:

  1. Compose messages (either private or in channels)
  2. Edit messages
  3. Delete messages
  4. Add messages to threads
  5. React to every message
  6. See Channel details (but, not create a channel. That’s coming soon!) like the list of people in that channel
  7. Receive push notifications for chat messages (for example, that you received a private message or someone replied to a thread you’re in)

Now our users will be kept in the loop wherever they are. They can communicate in the most appropriate manner to solve problems, support team ideas and drive growth, whatever their business. And if they miss the buzz of the virtual office, they can leap into the chat and catch up on the latest news and activity.


But wait, there’s more!

Desktop app and web users have seen recent improvements to our chat feature. In case you missed them, they include:

  • Search: you can now find key phrases or words across your message history in Kumo chat!
  • Group DMs: Chat privately with team members of your choice to keep conversations focused and lively
  • Gifs: Easily add a .gif to any message you write in Kumospace chat to improve expressions of excitement and interest
Kumospace team ghat gif feature

If you already have Kumospace’s mobile app installed, you can update it and use mobile chat right now! If you have any doubts or questions, feel free to check out our Help Center or email hello@kumospace.com 

If you haven’t installed our app, you can find it in both the App Store and Google Play to keep up to date with the latest collaborative team chat.

Please note that some advanced features such as chat history are only available to those in the Business and Enterprise plans. If you would like to learn more about this particular feature, and other features available on our paid plan, schedule a demo with sales through this link. We’d love to hear from you!

Lastly, we have many more surprises coming your way soon, so keep your eyes open.

Transform the way your team works from anywhere.

We have many more surprises coming your way soon, so keep your eyes open to this space!

Headshot for Brett Martin
Brett Martin

Brett Martin is the President & Co-Founder of Kumospace. He has spent his career as a serial entrepreneur, either building or investing in technology startups. To date, he has invested in over 60 companies through his fund, Charge Ventures. Brett and his companies have received numerous awards and have been featured in hundreds of media outlets. Outside of tech, Brett founded an indie rock band, started a non-profit, and sailed 6,000 miles on a 30ft sailboat.

Headshot for Yang Mou
Yang Mou

Yang Mou is the Co-founder & CEO of Kumospace, a virtual office platform where teams show up. Prior to founding Kumospace, he led member-facing technology efforts as a Staff Software Engineer at Oscar Health (NYSE: OSCR). When not working, Yang enjoys skiing, scotch, and StarCraft. And sometimes, can be found roaming the blackjack tables of Las Vegas.

Transform the way your team works.