The puzzle is not easy, and not everyone will finish it, but those who do will find greatness waiting for them in the final room.
1) Get to know Jasper! Jasper will be your guide through the mansion. He’s Mr. Milburn’s trusty lifelong butler and is dedicated to making sure you don’t get stuck. You’ll find him in the bottom right corner of your screen once you enter the mansion. Click on the blue chat bubble to interact with him.
2) Larger teams should split up into no more than 3 groups of between 4-8 people per group. We suggest designating group captains once you first arrive in the mansion and quickly choosing sides. You can choose to compete, or collaborate!
3) You can enter three separate rooms right from the Parlor. The password to each one is “Enter.” Click on the name of the room to get in.
4) Always explore! That’s the best hint we can possibly give.
5) Every time you solve a puzzle, you’ll see a special card. Save those cards! Either draw what you see on paper, copy them to a shared presentation file or take a photo with your phone. You’ll need those to unlock the final room and all its riches and unicorns.
6) Make use of the chat! If you’re lost, your friends can help. There’s a dropdown menu in chat that will let you choose to message All Rooms or the Current Room. Play around with that a bit to find your voice, but don’t accidentally give any answers away in there! ;)
6) Make use of the chat! If you’re lost, your friends can help. There’s a dropdown menu in chat that will let you choose to message All Rooms or the Current Room. Play around with that a bit to find your voice, but don’t accidentally give any answers away in there! ;)
7) Bring a pencil and paper. It can be helpful to write notes to solve some of the puzzles.
8) There are Google Doc and Google Sheet links integrated into some of the puzzles. Please make sure you (and your organization) can access these types of files.
9) You’re booking the mansion for 60 minutes, but you can stay in the mansion for up to 75 minutes if you need to. Please respect the next group and leave after your time is up.
Have fun!